Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Infertility Awareness Week-Day #2: Humor Yourself

Going through infertility is one of the most emotionally exhausting experiences a women can go through. So when I find myself slipping into that deep depression and self-pity that is so easy to fall into, I like to humor myself a bit. Let me share my humorous side with you!

For all the ladies in the Trying to Concieve world:

For all the ladies who are using or have used Clomid:

For all the ladies you have heard this advise from their fertile friends:

For all the ladies with very fertile family members and friends:

For all the ladies who CAN get pregnant and have experienced Miscarriage or Stillbirth:

For all the ladies with children concieved through IVF:

For all the ladies who have NO insurance coverage for fertility treatments:

For all the ladies going through IVF:

For all the ladies who have been married and trying to concieve for at least two years:

For all the ladies who have undergone several unsucessful rounds of IVF and FINALLY having their first successful IVF:

For all the ladies who have experienced Progresterone injections:

For all the ladies who have yet to to be thrown a baby shower and have an opportunity to decorate a nursery:

Disclaimer: Infertility is not a funny disease. But if you can't beat it, you might as well join it.  The reality is-all of these pictures have an underlying serious message those of us struggling with infertility wished other people would understand before offering advise and oppinions


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting!

Talia said...

I can relate to so many of these!!