I've been laying low since our embryo transfer 8 days ago. I haven't written any updates because I've been trying not to over analyze everything. How is that possible though?!? It's all I've been thinking about. Wondering if this worked for us or not. Thinking about what could be happening or not happening inside my uterus. I wish that I could just stick my head down there and peak inside my uterus to see what's going on! It has felt like nothings been going on. I've been feeling pretty normal overall. I didn't let that freak me out though because during our last cycle I was having just about every pregnancy symptom except morning sickness and I ended up not pregnant. So this time I told myself it will be what it's supposed to be and had a good feeling that at least one of our embryos was going to stick around for us.
Today is a very special day for us for two reasons. Today is the 15th anniversary of my father-in-laws death. He has been gone half of my husbands life. I never had the opportunity to meet him but I've heard so many good things about the man he was, I know it has been hard for my husband to go through life without his father being there for his high school and college graduations, to give him relationship advise, to watch football games together, and to have him missing on the day of our wedding. Today his dad showed us he is rooting for us too! Today we were blessed with a positive pregnancy test!!!

I will let you all in on a secret. I've known since Monday morning that we were pregnant:) I started taking tests every morning after my husband would leave for work and then would throw them away in our outside trash cans so I could surprise him today by taking a test this morning and waking him up by telling him we are pregnant. My first test on Monday was a Dollar Store brand test and the line was incredibly faint so I broke out a Clear Blue Digital and broke out with a fist pump when it said the words "Pregnant!" Then I started spotting a few hours later and it kinda freaked me out, although I know it can be completely normal. I've just never spotted before and I expected implantation spotting to occur last week. The spotting stopped though and on Tuesday the lines on the pregnancy test were a little darker which was comforting. And although my plan was to surprise my husband by waking him up to a positive test today, he was woken up instead to me running to the bathroom at 5am and vomiting my guts out in our bathroom sink for 10 minutes! His response? "I hope this is morning sickness." Holy cow,,,,morning sickness? I've been pregnant 4 times and I've never had morning sickness!! After he went back to bed I peed on a stick, took it too him, and said "I think it's safe to say it's morning sickness."

This morning was super rough. I struggled to even find the energy to get in my car and drive to the lab to get my blood work done. I had been up all night long just not feeling well and having trouble sleeping because of how nauseous I was. And even though I felt better after ralphing up everything I had eaten the day before, I still couldn't get myself to fall back to sleep. At 7:15am I was back at it again vomiting pure liquid because I had nothing else left to vomit. I felt weak and my body was freezing and bones were achy....it felt like the flu to be honest. Is that what morning sickness feels like?? This is completely new to me! I'm taking it as a good sign though and hoping for once we have a normal pregnancy:)

After back home from getting my blood drawn today, I've been napping on the couch with a heating pad and eating saltine crackers. We got the call around 3:45 with our beta HCG results. The nurse was very pleased to inform us that my HCG was 136 today at 8 days past 6 day embryo transfer! She said they expect the range to be between 50-100 by today so we are doing well so far. We are definitely pregnant! And this is definitely a healthier number than we started with during our last pregnancy which was over a year ago and ended in a blighted ovum/miscarriage. So we are super happy!
My next blood test will be on Friday. We will recheck my HCG to make sure it is rising correctly and will also check my progesterone. By the way....I did get my progesterone checked last Wednesday, the day after our transfer, and my level was 36.6 which was higher than it needed to be and instilled some confidence in me that this really was going to work. If my level looks good on Friday they will schedule me for our initial ultrasound which is to check if there's one or two gestational sacs and to make sure they are in my uterus and not my tubes. The ultrasound where we get to hear the heartbeat(s) will be around Christmas time:)
It's been almost two years since the last time we heard a heartbeat on an ultrasound. It seems like it's been forever ago. We know that getting to see the heartbeat(s) is the next hurdle along this journey. We've conquered 1/4th of the tasks we set to conquer....we got pregnant. Now we have the first, second, and third trimester to get through! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we know all too well that anything can happen. I'm going to work on keeping myself positive and telling myself this time is going to be different! We certainly appreciate everyone who is following our journey to parenthood and everyone who has reached out to me to ask for an update today!
I am so happy for you!!!
SOOO SOO EXCITED FOR YOU! We just found out were pregnant, too!! <3<3<3
Despite the past, I have faithfully been praying for you and Alex everyday. You have been in my thoughts and I am so happy to finally see this post. Ive been following you and glad to see you are pregnant. Heres to a great 9 months of well wishes and healthy twin babies
AHHHHHH! Congratulations :) I am thrilled for you!! So how many weeks would they say you are at this point? 4? This is my third pregnancy and morning sickness has never happened for me before week 6. I do so hope you haven't got a stomach bug... just try to stay hydrated. Green tea is great for nausea (ginger stuff never worked for me) and it's nicer to throw back up than most other things, besides water ;)Many hugs to you... I am PRAYING!!!!!!!!
So excited for you guys!!!!!!! Congratulations!
Yay!!! I'm so excited for you.
I'm so happy for you both!!!!! I'll give you a hug when I see you
Fantastic news! keeping you in my prayers!
Thank you everyone for the kind thoughts and well wishes!! We are "over the rainbow" yet still cautiously optimistic at this point! hopefully things continue to go smoothly and as expected!
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