Monday, February 24, 2014

The Green Light


Today we got GREAT news! My baseline ultrasound and blood work showed everything looks perfect for me to start stimulation injections tomorrow:) My left ovary was playing hide-and-seek at first, but I have 15 resting follicles in each ovary...meaning we could have at least 30 eggs if every follicle produces an egg! The doctors were very pleased with what they saw today and believe we will have a very successful cycle!!! You have no idea how much hope this gives me-I pray FOR ONCE that things just go smoothly. I am so ready to decorate a nursery and get our nest ready for some chicks to grow up in!

So tomorrow I reduce the Lurpon injections from 10 units to 5 units daily and start using Bravelle (3 vials) and Menopur (1 vial) together to stimulate egg production. The Lupron will keep the eggs from releasing on their own. We will have another ultrasound on Saturday, March 1st along with blood work to see where things stand at that point and if the medication is doing its job. Other than that...we be patient and wait until they tell us its time for our retrieval.

The target date for embryo transfer is in 2.5 weeks....EEEEKK!!!

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