Thursday, April 23, 2015

We Made It!

Guess what today is?!?! If you've been following our baby quest journey, then you probably guessed right! WE MADE IT TO 24 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!! Baby M is still kicking and wiggling around inside of me. Some days I feel like he or she is doing somersaults.

It's such a great feeling to have reached our second goal of this pregnancy.  Our first goal was to make it to 12 weeks since all of our miscarriages happened before our 12 week ultrasound.  And once we made it passed that goal, we needed to make it to 24 weeks since our first daughter was stillborn between 23-24 weeks.  Our next goal is to make it to the third trimester for the first time ever.  And our goal after that is to give birth to a crying, screaming, healthy baby! I'm so proud of my body today.  It has not failed us this time....and even though I know there is still time that it could fail us, I'm going to believe that it won't. I'm going to repeat this pregnancy affirmation over and over to keep myself calm the remainder of this pregnancy:

Can you believe that in 16 weeks or less Alex and I will finally be parents?  It has been a real struggle for me to actually picture that happening.  But this past week I felt this unbelievable peace that I had not felt in a long time.  There was no negative thinking this week.  No thoughts about giving birth to a stillborn baby.  No thoughts about having to plan another funeral for a child we would never get to see grow up.  No thoughts about needing a back up plan if this one doesn't work out for us.  I just felt with every kick that I could feel that this baby is going to make it out alive and turn the pain we've felt for so long into a joy that we've never felt before.
Next week will be a big week for us.  On Tuesday I will have the glucose test completed and on Thursday we will have our level II ultrasound with the high risk specialist.  Lots of prayers appreciated that both appointments will go well, and hopefully we will get a better picture of Baby M to share from our ultrasound next week since all we got was a picture of Baby's M's spine from the last ultrasound!
Speaking of today's title-"We Made It"-I want to give a big shout out to some girls that I've become great friends with through our journey's to parenthood.  My friend Molly just welcomed her twins, Harper and Ezra, into the world on Tuesday at 35 weeks. These two adorable babies are her rainbow babies after having an early miscarriage at the beginning of last year and going through several months of fertility treatment.  And my friend Rachel is 11 weeks pregnant with rainbow TRIPLETS after having two previous early miscarriages and also going through fertility treatments.  We have all made it past our furthest loss and have done it with the amazing support we all give each other.  I love being able to see my fertility and loss friends come out on the other side of this long and draining journey.  It makes my heart so happy for them and to be able to go through these journeys together is pretty amazing:) That goes for all my online friends too-so many of us have been together through the loss of our babies and now through our rainbow pregnancies!
Many wishes for anyone reading this today, that one day you will be able to say "We made it" too! Lots of love and baby dust:)


RHMummy said...

Congratulations on making it to 24 weeks!
I know myself what a triumph that can be!

I'll be following along going forward!

Brianna said...

Congratulations on reaching this HUGE milestone!!