Yesterday I felt a huge dark cloud hovering over me all day after we got the call that we went from 12 eggs to only 6 that were fertilized. Going through this process is extremely stressful. There are days when our hope and faith are through the roof and days when it feels like our dream is no where near our reach. Yesterday was one of those days for me that it just felt no where near my reach. Especially knowing that my eggs carry chromosome issues that have resulted in death of at least 3 of our 4 babies we have been pregnant with. Knowing that out of these 4 that are dividing-there will be some with Down Syndrome and likely some with Trisomy 13, and we will be very lucky to have at least one that has all 46 chromosomes without any extra genetic material attached to them. It has made me feel like Satan has entered my mind and is trying to get me down, making me feel like this is impossible for us.

Tomorrow is genetic testing day. We won't get a phone call until some time in the afternoon to let us know how the biopsies went and how many they were able to test. I will update once we have an answer. Until then-keep praying my friends. Pray that the 4 that are doing well keep doing well, and pray that the 2 struggling will get a hand from God and will start growing today.
This song is going to get us through these next couple of days.
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