While one door just closed on us, there has been many more that have been opened. It has been amazing to see and feel the compassion of those who know us and our desire to become parents. We have had friends offer to donate their eggs to us, even for free. We have had a friend and my cousin's ex-girlfriend offer to be a surrogate for us. These offers are tremendously generous and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for showing us such love and support! My ultimate desire is of course to have our own biological child that is part me and part my husband; a child that I carried for 9 months and gave birth to myself. We know that this dream is seeming impossible to us after all we have been through so far. We know that if it's not going to be possible for us to have a child that is part me and part my husband, or if it's not going to be possible for me to carry a baby to term-we want our child to be as much of me as it possibly could be.

Being an egg donor or a surrogate is not an easy decision for anyone to make, nor is it an easy decision for us to make either. It requires me to surrender the dream of our child being part me/part Alex and the dream of being the one who gives birth to our child. The decision is a lot easier to make when it involves family, especially when I have natural maternal instincts to want to protect my baby as much as I possibly can! IF we all decide that surrogacy is the route we are going to go, it will be easier on me to know that I can see my sister(and baby) as often as I can and want to and I would be able to be at every doctor appointment with her to make sure our baby is doing well, hear the heart beating, and see how much it has grown each visit.
There is a lot to think about and consider as we move forward in our baby quest. Especially on my sister's end of things. We will not push her into doing any of this for us, and we certainly don't want to create tension between us. We've decided to find a new fertility clinic going forward-one that uses sedation for the egg retrieval, because I would not put myself through another egg retrieval without sedation let alone putting my sister through it without sedation! Today I scheduled a consultation appointment with Institute for Reproductive Health in Cincinnati on Tuesday May 13th and another consultation appointment with Bethesda Fertility Clinic in Cincinnati on Wednesday May 28th. We want to compare clinics, doctors, nursing staff, and their professional opinions on what further testing we may need done and which option would make the most financial sense with the least amount of risk involved.
On another note-I had a meeting today with my supervisor to go over my annual review. It was the best review I have ever received! I will be getting an annual raise. My supervisor pointed out to me today that I "look really good." She knew I was going through an IVF cycle and had our transfer and I know she was thinking I must be pregnant when she said it to me...but when I told her our IVF cycle failed and how traumatic it was for us, she also reminded me that I am a very strong person and have always been able to remain professional at work despite what I've gone through since I've worked here. It was a reminder to me that it's because I work with such wonderful people between the other crisis workers who I vent to on a daily basis and even the ones I've been able to cry around as well as the nurses who give me hugs when they can see I need them and the doctors that I can talk to openly about what we are going through. If any of you are reading this...just know how much you are truly appreciated in my life! I am so very lucky to work for a place like Grandview with people who care about me. It is a completely different experience from my previous job. I never feel like I have to cry alone or shut myself in my office to hide my emotions. When I told my supervisor what options we are looking at moving forward she began crying out of complete joy for us, because she too had two miscarriages and only one child, but did not have any sisters who she could lean on to for this kind of support that my sister is willing to provide for us.

Wow is all I can say!! You are blessed with a wonderful sister and EVERYONE loves you. Grandview will always be my family.
You have an amazing sister and I can't wait to continue to watch as this process continues for you. I look forward to seeing all the pregnancy posts from you and/or your sister. God Bless you Lindsay!
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