It is with a VERY sore rump today that I am happy to say the trigger (HCG) shot last night worked!! I woke up at 7:30am to take a pregnancy test and it was positive, as it should be! The first test I took was so faint that I decided, what the heck, I will just take another test that is digital. With the words "Pregnant" appearing on the screen I was happy to go back to sleep and put a heating pad under me to try to soothe some of the pain my behind was in. The heating pad didn't help much and I've been walking around today like I have a stick up my rear end! Oh well...I couldn't be happier that tomorrow we get to find out how many eggs we will attempt to fertilize:)

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a tad bit nervous about tomorrow. Most women I've talked to about their egg retrieval they were under general anesthesia . I will not be, nor will I be on any pain medication. The only "sedative" my doctors have prescribed me is .25mg of Xanax...which is not a lot at all and Xanax is an anxiety medication, not a pain medication. I wasn't that worried about the retrieval until last Saturday when we were sitting in the doctor's office waiting on my ultrasound and we saw a picture of how the egg retrieval is actually done. That caused a bit of a panic...a needle going through my vaginal wall, into my ovaries, and then into the follicles. OUCH!!
All I have to say really is...men have it so easy!! Sometimes I just wish men would have to endure what us women go through and are willing to put ourselves through to have children. When I informed my husband today that starting tomorrow night I would be getting Progesterone shots in my hinny every day for the next eight weeks, all he could say was "8 weeks?! I love you!" That's right buddy...you better love me because I have to trust you to give me most of those shots so technically you will be the one putting me in pain:)
I just want to thank everyone who has been praying for us! You all are helping us so much to remain strong throughout this process. I really hope we can share with you our pregnancy journey too!! After tomorrow we will get an update from our doctor's office daily on how our sweet babies are growing and Monday we will do the genetic testing. That means on Wednesday we have to select which ones we will be transferring and we will then begin our pregnancy journey...what we hope will be a long 9 month journey! Please keep praying for us-God hears you!!
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