It is an almost surreal feeling to be planning my baby shower this time around. It is exciting and at the same time very scary. I'm 21 weeks pregnant but lost my first daughter between 23-24 weeks. After finding out about the cord issue during our last ultrasound, I've been holding my breath wondering when our world is going to get turned upset down again. Yet at the same time there is a little voice that I hear that tells me "I've got this for you my child. Do not worry. There is hope." And hearing all of the stories that I did last week from other mommies whose babies had cord insertions has given me a sense of peace and confidence that as long as we monitor Baby M closely, he or she will be healthy and happy and born alive. Even if it means that we have an early c-section and our baby has to stay in the NICU for a couple weeks, and even if I am not the first person to hold our miracle...I will be happy and will praise God that I still get to hold our child and get to watch our child grow. Anything is better than burying another baby, so I've come to accept that even if the birth is not the way I have planned in my mind that it should be after all we've been through, I am going to be okay with whatever we have to do to make sure this baby of ours gets to live a long life with us as its parents.

As I've said in some of my previous posts, we will be doing a gender reveal at the baby shower! So for all of you wondering when you will get to know if Baby M is a boy or girl, I promise that I will post about the gender on May 17th following my baby shower:) Only 6.5 more weeks!
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