Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Eviction Notice

Well, here we are......39 weeks today! And Baby M seems perfectly comfortable in his current home.  He has decided that he will not evacuate the premises on his own free will.  I'm quite shocked at his decision....I really thought he would have come out willingly by now.  I never imagined that I would be 39 weeks and would have to evict our baby! I never imagined that my body would have been strong enough to carry a baby this long and keep a baby as safe as it has.....I guess after losing four babies you lose a lot of confidence in your ability to be the safe haven that you're supposed to be for your growing baby.  But Baby M has sure taught me a lot about myself and has certainly restored all the confidence that I've needed to get through the last 39 weeks! 
39 weeks! 
So tomorrow is the day! Baby M is getting evicted from his current home and will be getting a new home in Mommy and Daddy's arms:) We will head to the hospital tomorrow afternoon to be checked in at 4pm (Eastern Stamdard Time).  My induction will start at 5pm with a medication called Cervidil which is inserted vaginally and is intended to dilate my cervix.  As of Monday afternoon, my cervix was still only 1 cm we have a lot to go yet (they will check me before we start the induction to see if I have dilated any more on my own and determine how effaced I am).  The Cervidil will be in for 12 it will be removed around 5am on Saturday morning.  The only way it will come out before 5am is if I start having some pretty intense contractions which could indicate that I dilated faster than they anticipated I would.  Otherwise the plan is 5am.  The doctor who will be delivering Baby M will be arriving to the hospital at 7am.  I'm sure she will check me once she gets there to determine how much more I need to dilate.  We will start Pitocin that morning if I need an extra boost to get dilated and she will break my water if it hasn't broken on its own.  The doctor thinks Baby M will be here sometime late Saturday morning/early Saturday afternoon.  
I am super excited to get this show on the road...okay, and maybe a little nervous! My husband will obviously be by my side the whole time....and my sister plans to come to the hospital Saturday morning to be there for the birth of this miracle baby she has helped us to create:)  As an added bonus one of my best friends is coming to the hospital Saturday morning too for the extra support and to be our videographer! And best of all....we will have a photographer there to capture Baby M's entire birth story!!!! How exciting is that?!?! 

I won't be updating my blog until we are home and settled in.  So if you are following our journey through one of the groups I belong too and would like to see a picture of Baby M (who we won't be able to call Baby M anymore!) before next Tuesday....please like our personal page- I will post pictures from the hospital on that page as well as my own personal Facebook profile.

Maternity leave has been great so far. I've gotten my house cleaned and ready to bring home our son to.  I've been able to spend time with my sister and niece....we've gone to lunch, gone shopping, went swimming, and went to the county fair.  Today I had my last ultrasound which felt amazing! Baby boy was measuring around 8lbs 5 ounces and his head was still measuring 2 weeks lets hope it fits out of the hole it's meant to come out of!! I welcome all the positive thoughts and prayers anyone can offer for a safe delivery, healthy baby, and our hearts to be filled with love beyond words!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Wish I would have read this before the induction started. I've been thinking of you and will be stalking your FB page!!