The music notes indicate kicks
There was a few times during the end of the NST where I thought I saw the heart rate drop down to 106 and even in the double digit range. I'm not sure if Baby M just moved away from the monitor briefly or if there really was a drop in his heart rate. The doctor never said anything about when he came back in to check on us and unhook me from everything though so I'm hoping it was just a brief moment of Baby M sneaking away from the monitor. I met with the doctor in his office after being unhooked and discussed the recommendation for the early induction from my genetic doctor. We were interrupted multiple times by the doctor's wife calling him about her knee injury and the doctor making phone calls to an orthopedic specialist so his wife could skip and ER visit. It was a really annoying conversation to be listening to when all I wanted to know was when we will get to meet our baby! He told me he would not induce me until 39 weeks if I were his patient. But after talking to him about our fears of complications that can arise that late in pregnancy, he said he would agree to an induction at 38 weeks either by vaginal delivery or c-section. He didn't think I needed to worry about the cord insertion or Baby M's big head causing problems during a delivery either.....but lets be honest, he's never pushed a baby out of a small hole that's less than a third of the size of the baby's head!
I'm really up-in-the-air about what kind of delivery I want though. There is a huge part of me that wants to have a vaginal delivery. I want to experience the contractions and pushing and emotional aspect of knowing that I'm physically bringing our baby into the world. I want to be able to be the first person who holds our son. I want to know what it is like to feel utter amazement in myself for accomplishing the birthing process. But then again, I fear something will go horribly wrong during delivery. I worry the baby will get stuck in the birth canal because his head is too big to make it out. I worry about what kind of intervention would have to be used in a situation like that and what kind of damage it would do to me and the baby. My sister-in-law had a forceps delivery with her first son and my mother-in-law hemorrhaged with my husband. Those stories kinda have me freaked out a little. My husband wants to just go for the c-section. He thinks that would be the safest route for the baby and said that if something starts going wrong during the delivery he would freak out but would feel like he couldn't show how scared he is because it would make me even more anxious. If only we could see into the future and know what is going to happen. Right now we don't even have a scheduled induction date....and who knows-the baby could decide to come out in the next 2-3 weeks really!

Other than trying to prepare our home for a baby, I've been trying to get everything we need together for our third trimester maternity photo shoot. I'm excited about this-but my husband is not. I just keep telling him that these pictures will be the last ones we will have of me being pregnant with Baby M-not to mention we worked too damn hard to get this far not to celebrate and cherish how fat I am! I also started looking at what I need to pack in our hospital bags and think maybe this weekend that will be my project. At least that way I will feel somewhat more prepared that if something happens I know we are ready to go and don't have to scramble around the house at the last minute trying to figure out what to throw into a bag before we make the hour drive to the hospital!
Based on today's ultrasound though, I don't think Baby M is ready to come out. My cervix is still long and closed. He's breathing is not very consistent yet. It took three separate tries today before the sonographer caught him using his lungs. So I know if he were to come now he would be in the NICU to help him with his breathing. Size wise, he's still a big boy. He's 5 lbs 2 oz today and his head is now 32 cm (12.6 inches). I think by the time he comes we will have a 9 pounder but we'll see how he keeps growing over these next couple of weeks.
Pray for us and our ability to get as much done on our to-do list as possible before baby boy arrives!
1 comment:
So excited! Good luck. Lol don't worry too much about his room...revans over two and I still like him in the room with me so I can hear his breathing all night. You'll want him close at hand at least for a little while. :)
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