Tomorrow at this time it will be January 1, 2014. It will be the start of a new year, of a new beginning, and a new journey we've never been on before. It will be the start of our IVF process. My first appointment in the process will be on January 3rd to meet with the nurse to go over my IVF protocol, which includes which medications I will be taking and when I will be taking them, when blood work and ultrasounds will need to be done, and estimating when we will do the egg retrieval and embryo transfer. I also get to meet with the doctor on January 3rd to do a "sounding orientation." Since I had no idea what this was I decided to ask today when I was talking to the nurse. She told me the doctor will stick a catheter in me to see how far up he will need to go to my uterus. Oh that sounds like so much fun:) I'm not going to bitch and moan about it...because if this is what it takes to get us a baby then so be it!!
As nervous, anxious, scared, and worried that I am about rather or not this process will work for us, I am going to enter 2014 with a positive attitude. I am going to celebrate the fact that we even have an opportunity to try this option. I am going to celebrate that there is this kind of technology even available to couples like us whose only issue has been genetic. I am going to celebrate that we have been chosen by Baby Quest Foundation, out of the hundreds of deserving couples who applied for a grant. I am going to celebrate that I have already made new friends, who live in other parts of the state and other parts of the country and who have also been Baby Quest recipients, who have been such encouragers and a great support system.

2014 WILL be amazing! It might be so amazing that we will get our DOUBLE rainbow like in this picture and have twins:)
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